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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Preparing for life's...what if's. - Sponsored Post

Preparing for life's...what if's. -
One thing I have been advocating quite loudly, on the air and on our website, is emergency preparedness. It isn't about an "end-of-the-world" mentality, it is about common sense. We have seen natural disasters in the USA strike over and over again, from Katrina to snow storms, leaving people on their own with no help immediately available. Protect yourself and your family, as well as the lives of your potential rescuers, by being prepared to take care of yourself. No one should be without the essentials for a minimum of THREE DAYS.
It isn't just about fires, floods, snow, rain, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. It's about job lay offs, furloughs, unexpected financial woes too. Even emergency evacuations due to chemical spills can cause problems. It can be a neighbor, friend or relative who loses their job or home. Be prepared, for everyone's sake.

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